Looking For An Older Male (Avatar)

Used to do my own research mostly but hey, what’s the use of having friends and contacts if you can’t’ badger them every time you need to know something, amirite?

So, are there better older avatars in OpenSim for gents these days? Asking for a friend, of course. I’m thinking one that looks like about 64 or so. Why 64, you ask? Well, mind you’re own damned business, would you? I’m asking a question here, can a person get some help? Now yes, of course, I’ll be checking Kitely Market but guidance is helpful there too, Probably been three years since I was there, I has me some Kitely$ or whatever they are called, I don’t remember! I do have an older av in a Danko inventory, I’ll have to find him. I liked him but wasn’t sure if he quite “fit.” He looked a little too much like Charlton Heston in a very bad mood. I would prefer someone who gave the appearance of a more pleasant mood (not to mention someone who leans left and yet mention it I did). I might use him for another character. All that aside, my typist, who fancies himself a writer, advised me he had a premonition that his main character may be moving to a new hometown which he will not disclose to me for some odd reason. I kept badgering him for an answer but he just kept saying, “Elsewhere, I told you, Elsewhere.” Whatever.
Anyway, if you know if of some good older male avatars in OpenSim that have been made in the last three years or so, leave a comment. Thank you.

About Danko Whitfield

writer, explorer of virtual worlds. semi-retired time traveler.
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