Getting Started

I was born in Second Life in July of 2007. I wandered around for about three days with no rhyme or reason, just looking at whatever I could find. By day 4, I wanted to own land. On day 5, I upgraded to a premium account and purchased a 512 sqm parcel in Killorglin on – though I didn’t know it at the time – a brand new Mainland continent, Corsica.

I put a freebie starter house on that parcel and removed it. And put it back and removed it again. And put it back again and put some ugly, primmy, nooby furniture in it…and then removed the house again. I didn’t mean to remove the house…any of those times. But I repeated this process over and over again for several weeks. Even three months later I could still remove the house without warning. It was maddening.

So, from the beginning it was clear, I was never going to be a builder. Never.

But I wanted to have my own little town. So I started thinking about my town and what it would be like. I looked at other people’s towns. I visited stores that sold pre-fab buildings. I bought a few as I went, with my future town in mind. And I kept buying new houses for my little home in Killorglin. And I occasionally removed those new houses without warning.

In the fall came the day, I was ready to make a town, a little village, for starters. One Saturday morning I purchased a tract of land I’d been watching, a 4096 sqm parcel in the Quirrola region on the Nautilus continent. A moment later I bought another 4096 right next to it. That was not part of the plan! I couldn’t help it. That parcel next door just looked soooo good. I was not intending to spend that much money – not at all! I got carried away. And now look at all that land – all that space – I now had to play with! Twice as much as planned. And what to do with it all! Oh, this was going to be fun!

(to be continued)

Danko 1.0

Danko 1.0

About Danko Whitfield

writer, explorer of virtual worlds. semi-retired time traveler.
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